
WILD THINGS screened on Saturday 16 October, 2021 at the Ubud Writer’s Festival as part of their Environment and Social Change program. Sally Ingleton did a live Q&A after the screening with moderator Helene Ouvrard (see photo).

In great news, WILD THINGS is now available to stream via the 360 Degree Film’s “On-Demand” film page.

You can stream either the 58min or 89min version of the film.

18.7.2021Watch WILD THINGS and spread the word!


Many of you have asked how you can see the documentary WILD THINGS. We’re pleased to let you know the TV version (1 hour) will be on SBS Viceland on Tuesday July 20 at 8.30pm followed by a month on SBS On Demand.

This is your opportunity to watch the documentary – whether you are in lockdown or not – and share it with your friends.

Free Teaching Resources Available! Educators please download these free resources to help you use WILD THINGS in the classroom!

DVD’s and Educational Streaming are also available.

Follow the film on Facebook: @wildthingsdocumentary and Instagram: #wildthingsdocumentary and help spread the word!


Let us know what you think. We love getting feedback.

11.5.2021Host your own WILD THINGS screening!


You can bring WILD THINGS to your local community!

WILD THINGS has been screening around Australia and now you can bring it to a venue near you!

If you would like to Host a screening in your community, please go to Fan Force and they will help you bring WILD THINGS to your community at no risk. Individuals or community groups can register to host a screening at a cinema near you!

Alternatively contact sally@360degreefilms.com.au if you would prefer to pay a small screening fee and organise your own WILD THINGS screening event.

11.5.2021Teachers! Use our free WILD THINGS resources in the classroom!


WILD THINGS is available right now for school screenings via the ATOM Education Shop. A free ATOM study guide is also available as a teaching resource.

We also have some bespoke Lesson Plans for Teachers available for Free from the Cool Australia site, thanks to the generous support of the Garry White Foundation and the Hamer Sprout Fund.

There are heaps of opportunities for students to engage with WILD THINGS from critical, emotional, cultural and ethical perspectives, while considering the intentions of the filmmaker.

Using these resources students can explore environmental activism, key events in the environmental movement in Australia and why people feel compelled to stand up for the environment.

Students can also think about an environmental issue they would take action for, explore mediums for communicating environmental messages and create their own piece of environmental activism.

So get teaching!

11.3.2021WILD THINGS Community Screenings & Study Guide


WILD THINGS had a very successful limited cinema run around the country during February 2021.

We did a number of Live Q&A’s after screenings in which Director Sally Ingleton was joined by Dr Bob Brown, Dr Lisa Searle and special guests David Ritter CEO Greenpeace and Paul Sinclair Manager of Campaigns Australian Conservation Foundation.

These screenings were a great opportunity for those who were not only in the film but for supporters of environment action all around Australia to get energised to take action.

We are now moving to the next phase where we want community environment action groups to start hosting screenings in their local area. We have teamed up with Fanforce who can deliver such screenings either virtually online or in a venue.

Please fill in this form is you are interested to Host a Screening.

Wild Things is now available for schools via the Australian Teachers of Media Education Shop website and is accompanied by a free Study Guide

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